RabbitScan can help you combat rabbits in your area
FeralScan is a free app that lets people record rabbit activity, sightings and control measures through one central database. RabbitScan is available through FeralScan.
Darling Downs-Moreton Rabbit board encourages everyone to use RabbitScan to help combat the spread of Australia’s most devastating pest.
What are the benefits of using RabbitScan?
RabbitScan is a powerful tool that lets you consolidate your rabbit combating efforts with your local community. The benefits of RabbitScan include:
- Developing a map of rabbit activity to help guide control efforts on your property or in your local area.
- Assisting you in working together with your neighbours to undertake coordinated control efforts.
- Helping you notify your local community or landholder group about rabbit activity and disease presence.
- Send alerts to nominated people, such as neighbours or biosecurity agencies.
What does RabbitScan do?
RabbitScan lets anyone record and view information about local rabbit populations.
RabbitScan allows you to:
- Document the rabbit problem and identify the scale of the rabbit problem. The app lets you map any active rabbit warrens, and record where rabbits are causing damage.
- Develop a rabbit map for planning control, identifying what resources you need to undertake effective rabbit control.
- Seek assistance with control programs by working with your local community to develop a detailed map of rabbit populations, which can then be used to seek support or further funding to assist in control measures.
- Document control allowing you to check back later to evaluate whether control outcomes were achieved, and whether follow-up control is required.
- Help protect your neighbours and community by recording and using information on rabbit problems in your location.
- Work together with your neighbours to get the best results controlling rabbits in your area.
Who should use RabbitScan?
RabbitScan can be used by anyone interested in or invested in controlling the spread of rabbits. RabbitScan is particularly useful for:
- Farmers
- Landowners
- Community groups
- Landcare groups
- Pest controllers
- Local councils
- Biosecurity groups
- Researchers.
Where can I get RabbitScan?
You can create an account using your computer on the RabbitScan webpage.
Alternatively, you can download the app to your mobile device on the App Store and Google Play.